2011年4月26日 星期二


◎ 陳昭姿






凡是遵守「法官法定」原則的案件,陳前總統都是無罪。因此,我們不要特赦,只要求當初違反法官法定原則由蔡守訓接手的案件,退回原周占春法官的合議庭,以公平、公正、甚至公開方式重審,還給陳前總統「司法公道」! (作者為台灣北社社長)

Source: 自由時報電子報


No amnesty, but retrial

A political amnesty to Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁)were thrown out by DPP presidential primary candidate Hsu Hsin-liang(許信良)during the final policy session, which made a subject of the chatterer from blue camp later.

Accepting amnesty is contrary to our long time stand – Chen is innocent, so we call for a fair retrial instead of a pardon.

According to the "legal judge principle” (法官法定) , the collegial panel of judges originally drawn by lot for Chen’s case was of judge Chou Zhanchun (周占春), however, when the panel ruled Chen be released without bail, a political order was then made to replace Chou with judge Tsai Shou Shun (蔡守訓), apparently unconstitutional, which formed the basis behind the voice of judge Hung Ying Hua (洪英花)"The ruling of Chen’s case is not valid from the very beginning.

Replacing the judge did lead to a felony, as seen in the State Affairs Fund case(國務機要費案) and the Longtan Purchase case(龍潭購地案). On the other hand, the corruptive diplomatic pension case(貪污外交款案)charged by the Special Investigation Unit with Chen was found not guilty by the Taipei District Court in June 2010, stern criticism such as "arbitrary patchwork, imposed analogy, nowhere is reliable." was added in the indictment to the prosecutors.

In November 2010, with the charge by the Special Investigation Unit on "the second financial reform money laundering case" (二次金改案), the Taipei District Court ruled that the former president ,his wife and all twenty-one defendants not guilty. Six days later, in a unimaginable short period of three examination judge process - less than 4 months, and with a rarely seen way in judicial history, the Supreme Court rendered directly “the Longtan Purchase Case"(龍潭購地案) and "Diana Chen President's nominations" (陳敏薰人事案) , Chen was sentenced a felony, and the court verdict was not made public on the same day but until 2 weeks later.

In January 2011, the Taiwan High Court judged the “corruptive diplomatic pension case” (貪污外交款案) is a correct verdict, there is no reason for the prosecution to appeal, and the former president was again sentenced not guilty.

Apparently for cases following "the judge legal principle”, the former president is not guilty. Therefore, pardon is not our demand and cases violating "the judge legal principles” should be returned to the legal judge Zhou Zhanchun(周占春) from Tsai Shou Shun (蔡守訓). Since a mercy pardon will not clear his name, the former president is entitled to a retrial held in a fair, just and open manner instead.

2011年4月10日 星期日













順頌 鈞安



1.Nat Bellocchi白樂崎(前美國在台協會主席)

2.Coen Blaauw昆布勞(美國台灣人公共事務會)

3.Jean Pierre Cabestan(香港浸會大學「政府及國際研究」系主任及教授)

4.Gordon G. Chang(《中國即將崩潰》作者)

5.Ketty Chen(德州柯林大學政府研究副教授)

6.Peter Chow周鉅原(美國紐約市立學院經濟學教授)

7.Stephane Corcuff(法國里昂大學「中國和台灣研究」政治學副教授)

8.Michael Danielsen(丹麥哥本哈根「台灣一角」主席)

9.June Teufel Dreyer金德芳(美國邁阿密大學政治學教授)

10.Norman W. Getsinger(美國國務院退休,喬治華盛頓大學研究所研究)

11.Terri Giles賈泰麗(美國福爾摩莎基金會執行長)

12.Michael Rand Hoare(英國倫敦大學退休副教授)

13.Christopher R. Hughes(英國倫敦政經學院教授)

14.Thomas G. Hughes(美國前參議員斐爾國會辦公室主任)

15.Bruce Jacobs家博(澳洲蒙納許大學亞洲語言和研究教授)

16.Richard C. Kagan柯耕義(美國翰林大學歷史系榮譽教授)

17.Jerome F. Keating祈潤夫(國立台北大學退休副教授)

18.Hon. David Kilgour(加拿大前國會議員、亞太國務卿)

19.Andre Laliberte(加拿大渥太華大學政治學副教授)

20.Daniel Lynch(美國南加州大學副教授)

21.Victor H. Mair(美國賓州大學中國語言和文學系教授)

22.Rev. Bruce McLeod(前加拿大教會委員會會長及加拿大聯合教會前議長)

23.Donald Rodgers(美國德州奧斯丁大學政治學副教授)

24.Terence Russell(加拿大曼尼托巴大學中國語言和文學系副教授)

25.Christian Schafferer(僑光科技大學國際貿易系副教授,奧地利東亞研究協會主任,《當代東亞》主編)

26.David Schak(澳洲格里菲斯大學國際貿易及亞洲研究副教授)

27.Michael Stainton(加拿大多倫多York Center for Asia Research研究員)

28.Peter Tague(美國喬治城大學法律系教授)

29.Ross Terrill譚若思(美國哈佛大學費正清東亞研究中心)

30.John Tkacik譚慎格(前美國傳統基金會資深研究員及前美國國務院台灣事務協調處官員)

31.Arthur Waldron林蔚(美國賓夕法尼亞大學國際關係學教授)

32.Gerrit van der Wees韋傑理(台灣公報編輯)

33.Michael Yahuda(倫敦政經學院訪問學者)

34.Stephen Yates葉望輝(DC International諮詢顧問團主席,前美國副總統國家安全政策顧問)



  • Open letter on erosion of justice in Taiwan

    ... We also believe that the procedures followed by the prosecutor’s offices are severely flawed... This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law.

    ... This kind of “trial by press” is a violation of the basic standards of judicial procedures. It also gives the distinct impression that the Kuomintang (KMT) authorities are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government...

  • Eroding justice: Open letter No. 2

    ... This casts severe doubts on the impartiality of the judicial system...

    ... When they were detained, they were subjected to lengthy interrogations — in some cases for up to 20 hours — which bore the character of a “fishing expedition,” and do not represent a formal indictment in any legal sense...

    ... this is a grave infringement on international norms regarding lawyer-client privilege...

    ... if the ministry proceeds along these lines, this will be perceived as a direct confirmation of the strong political bias of the judicial system...

    ... The problem is that the present system is being used in a very partial fashion...

    ... it is hard to see how the persons involved — including former president Chen — can have a fair trial in Taiwan...

    ... we do remain deeply disturbed by the erosion of justice in Taiwan...

  • Eroding justice: Open letter No. 3

    ... The switch of the case from a three-panel court that released him on his own cognizance on Dec. 13 to a court that subsequently re-incarcerated him on Dec. 25 — both Christmas Day and Constitution Day — seems to have resulted from political pressure from KMT members of the Legislative Yuan...

    ... This pattern of behavior displays a distinct bias in the judicial system and a disregard for fair and impartial processes...

    ... In our view the actions by the prosecutors and the comment by Minister Wang display a lack of judicial professionalism and political neutrality...

    ... both the right of the accused to a fair trial, and the presumption of innocence have been seriously jeopardized...

  • Open letter to Taiwan’s president

    ... In the case of the former president, it is evident that the prosecution is heavily tainted by political bias, and that the former president is being treated badly out of spite for the political views and the positions he took during his presidency...

    ... Decisions and agreements are arrived at in secrecy and then simply announced to the public...

  • An open letter to Taiwan’s president

    ... They are also reflected in the expressions of concern by international scholars and friends of Taiwan related to the flaws in the judicial proceedings against former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and the apparent lack of neutrality in the continuing “investigations” and indictments of other prominent members of the former DPP government...